Miloš Đajić Blog
Boj se ovna, boj se govna, a kad ćeš živeti.. M. Selimović

Borba za progresivni svet

Kategorija: Intervju ; Datum: 15. 10. 2018. ; Autor: Miloš Đajić

Moj tekst koji je objavljen u dnevnom listu DANAS 11.10.2018 godine pod naslovom Borba protiv orbanizacije
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Borba za progresivni svet

Tokom poslednjih nedelja prisustvovao sam različitim međunarodnim skupovima i razgovarao sa brojnim koleginicama i kolegama iz socijaldemokratskih stranaka Evrope. Uglavnom su nam teme bile o pitanjima opasnosti koje su se nadvile nad Evropom i predstojećim evropskim izborima. Svi razgovori su se završavali čekanjem rezultata švedskih izbora kao lakmus papira o tome šta nas sve čeka od maja 2019.

Pre neki dan Marine Le Pen je pozvala desne populiste da seujedine protiv liberalnog establišmenta na izborima za Evropski parlament”. Bivši Trampov savetnik i ideolog trampizma Stive Benon se viđa sa desnim populistima koje ubeđuje da su migranti njihov najveći problem, a posetio je i naš region. Borba za BREXIT u Britaniji i dalje traje. Italijanski ministar Salvini se viđa sa Orbanom, prave koaliciju i zalažu se za izgradnju “Evrope tvrđave”.

Desni populisti su uspeli da izazove imigracije nametnu kao pitanje nacionalne bezbednosti i ključno pitanje izbornih kampanja u EU. Uspešno ih povezuju sa pitanjima smanjenja socijalnih davanja i ugrožavanjem nacionalnih i kulturnih identiteta. Sve vreme se bave razgradnjom globalnog konsenzusa o rodnoj ravnopravnosti postignutog na Svetskoj konferenciji UN u Pekingu. Sve ovo je gurnulo Evropu u desni diskurs i nametnulo teme u kojima dominiraju strah, rasističke predrasude i sve veća agresivnost  prema najranjivijim društvenim grupama i njihovim političkim zagovornicima. Desni populisti se ozbiljno spremaju za evropske izbore nadajući se da bez njih neće biti nove Evropske komisije.

Marševi desničara sa nacističkom ikonografijom, stvaranje paravojnih formacija za „odbranu“ od izbeglica i Roma trebalo bi da zabrinu celokupan progresivni svet. Normalizacija laži političara, post-istine i industrija plasiranih lažnih vesti sluđuju javnost i poručuju joj: liberalna demokratija i institucije ne funkcionišu. Potrebno ih je zameniti čvrstom rukom novog, pravednog, militarizovanog poretka koji će nas  vratiti u vreme tradicionalnih društvenih normi. Jača pritisak crkvenog klera na položaj žena kroz zahteve da se iz škola izbace naučna saznanja o polu, rodu, seksualnosti i ženskom pravu na sopstveno telo. Incidenti sa izbeglicama pumpaju se u medijima podstičući atmosferu ugroženosti. U takvoj atmosferi mnogi su spremni da žrtvuju slobodu i demokratiju zarad lažne sigurnosti. Zabrinjavajuća retradicionalizacija koja urušava društveni dijalog, ugrožava žene i sve manjine kršeći osnovna ljudska prava danas je uobičajen način vođenja vladinih politika u mnogim evropskim zemljama.

Iako su Švedske socijaldemokrate postigle relativan uspeh predstoje im teški pregovori. Svuda gde su snage radikalne populističke desnice postale relevantne, socijaldemokate su prisiljene na velike ustupke neoliberalnoj desnici koja bira i može svakog časa naći izgovor za koaliciju sa populistima. Ponavlja se i greška stalnih podela na levom spektru. Pre neki dan je i Yanis Varufahis pozvao na stvaranje “Nove internacionale” što tumačim kao grešku  i otpis evropskog S&D pokreta u celosti.

Na Korčulanskoj školi, jednoj od pomenutih prilika, posvetili smo blok budućim evropskim izborima i borbi protiv orbanizacije. Plaši to što za sada nema novih ideja i što će PES i S&D ekipa raditi skoro sve kao prošli put. Novi kontekst zahteva i nove metode pa sam pokušao da lobiram za nove ideje. Ključno pitanje na koje S&D kolege treba da odgovore je kako ustrojiti buduću EU ali i vlastite zemlje unutar nje. Što se tiče reforme EU, mi danas na stolu već imamo Orbanov, kao i predlog predsednika Makrona. Nijedan od njih ne odgovara na pitanja pravednijeg uređenja SVETA u uslovima globalizovanog kapitala i usitnjenog polja rada. Rezultat reforme EU ne može biti ni vraćanje na klasične autokratski vođene nacionalne države, niti pretvaranje Evrope u centralizovanu nad-državu u kojoj konce vuku velike i razvijene zemlje na uštrb zemalja periferije. Neophodno je tražiti progresivni odgovor koji će se baviti izazovima sa kojima se susreće prosečan čovek: ekonomskim, ekološkim, socijalnim, kao i pitanjima ukidanja osnovnih ljudskih prava na: mir, život bez nasilja i straha, normalno plaćeni i socijalno osiguran rad, krov nad glavom, pravo na kvalitetnu hranu i vodu, zdravstvenu zaštitu, znanje i kulturu, privatnost, izbor stila života, informisanost i demokratsko građansko udruživanje. Potrebna nam je EU koja svet vodi svojim primerom, i koja privlačnošću svojih vrednosti i demokratskih institucija privlači birače.

Građenje socijaldemokratske alternative podrazumeva pravljenje različitih vrsta progresivnih koalicija. Nađimo način da se svi progresivni ljudi okupe na istoj strani: S&D, nova levica, zeleni, DIeM, ALDE, američke demokrate, Balkan, sindikati, akademici, kulturni radnici, društveni pokreti, i pokušaju ne da odbrane EU već da kreiraju novu progresivnu EU. Socijaldemokrate na nivou EU treba da naprave listu od maksimalno 5 prioriteta i krenu da grade koalicije svih progresivnih društvenih snaga. Populističku desnicu može da zaustavi samo svakodnevni aktivistički rad  progresivnih snaga povezanih jasnom vizijom izgradnje alternativnog pravednijeg društva.

Želeći da na konstruktivan način i na vreme ukažem na smer u kom ja očekujem da se stvari kreću i kao neko ko živi pod vlašću desnih populista, nikako ne bih voleo da se ljudima u čitavoj  Evropi desi ovo što mi danas živimo. Pobeda S&D u Švedskoj i očekivana pobeda demokrata u Americi mogu biti inspiracija da se pripreme dobre stvari za sledeće EU izbore. Kao neko ko je oduvek bio za priključenje EU, veoma me zanima kako progresivne snage vide novu ojačanu EU. Važno je da se progresivne snage u Srbiji i regionu ujedine i odmah krenu u akciju. Potražimo zajedničke tačke slaganja. Istaknimo i izgradimo vidljive ljude koji bi taj proces nosili. To je jedina šansa da ne dozvolimo da desničari ponove istoriju prošlog veka.

Progresivci, pamet u glavu i krenite sa ujednjenjem već danas.

English version

Fight for a Progressive World

Over the past few weeks, I attended several international meetings where I had the opportunity to talk to numerous colleagues from the social democratic parties of Europe. Mostly, our topics were related to the issues of the dangers hanging over Europe and the upcoming European elections. All the talks ended with awaiting the results of Swedish elections, such as the litmus of paper on what they (we) are facing from May 2019.


The other day, Marina Le Pen urged right populists to “unite against a liberal establishment in the European Parliament elections”. Former Trump’s advisor and ideologist of “trumpism” Steve Bannon is meeting with right-wing populists persuading them that migrants are their biggest problem and he also visited our region. Fight for soft or hard BREXIT in Britain continues. Italian Minister Salvini is meeting Orban, making a coalition, and advocates the creation of a “fortress Europe”.


Right-wing populists managed to impose challenges of immigration as a matter of national security and a key issue of electoral campaigns in the EU. They have quite successfully linked them to issues of reducing social benefits and endangering national and cultural identities. All the time, they are dealing with the decomposing of the global consensus on gender equality achieved at the UN World Conference in Beijing. All of this pushed Europe into the right discourse and imposed themes dominated by fear, racist prejudice and increasing aggression towards the most vulnerable social groups and their political advocates. All this shows that right-wing populists are seriously preparing for the European elections, hoping that a new European Commission couldn’t be established without them.


Pictures of the right-wing marchers, with all of the Nazi iconography, the creation of paramilitary formations for the “defense” from the refugees and the Roma people, should be a concern for the entire progressive world. The normality of the lies of politicians, the various post-truths, and the industry of deliberately placed false news stories are misguiding the public and are telling it: liberal democracy and its institutions do not function. It is necessary to replace them with the firm hand of a new, just, militarized order, which will bring us back to the time of traditional social norms and values. Daily we see rising pressure of church clergy to the position of women, who, through the regressive civil sector,  demand to expel  from schools the scientific knowledge about sex (m/f), gender, sexuality and women’s right to their own body. Refugee incidents are inflated in the media in spite of journalistic codes, establishing an ever-growing atmosphere of vulnerability. In such an atmosphere, many are willing to sacrifice freedom and democracy in order to obtain false security. The alarming resurrection of traditionalism that destroys social dialogue, threatens women and all other minorities by violating basic human rights, today is, in fact, the usual way of leading government policies in many European countries.


Although Sweden’s social democrats have achieved relative success, they are facing difficult negotiations. Wherever the forces of the radical populist right wing have become relevant, the Social Democrats are forced to make great concessions to the neoliberal democratic right, because that right has choices and can find an excuse, at any moment,  to form a coalition with populists. In addition, the ever repeating error of constant divisions in the left spectrum is present. The other day, Yanis Varoufakis called for the creation of the “New International”  making a mistake,  in my opinion, and writing off the entire European social democratic movement.


At Korčula school, one of the mentioned  international gatherings, we devoted one part to the upcoming European elections and the fight against “Orbanization” of Europe. What scares me is that for now there are no new ideas and that the PES and S&D team will work almost the same as the last time. The new context requires new methods, and that’s why I tried to lobby for some new ideas. The key question that S & D colleagues have to answer is how to set up the future EU, but also their own countries within it. Regarding the EU reform, today we have on the table a proposal of Orban as well as the proposal of the President of France Macron. None of them responds to the issues of fairer regulation of the WORLD in the conditions of globalized capital and fragmented field of work. The result of the EU reform can not be the return to classical autocratic national states, nor the transformation of Europe into a centralized supra-state in which the big and developed countries are pulling the strings to the detriment of the countries of the periphery. It is necessary to ask for a progressive answer to address the challenges faced by the average person: economic, climatic, environmental, social and personal, as well as the issues of abolishing basic human rights: peace, life without violence and fear, normally paid and socially secured work, roof over the head, the right to quality food, healthy water, preventive health care and treatment, knowledge and culture, privacy, the choice of lifestyle, genuine information and democratic political, union and civic association. We need the EU that is leading the world by its example, and which attracts voters with the appealing values and democratic institutions.


Building such a social-democratic alternative implies the creation of various types of progressive coalitions. There has to be a way for all progressive people to gather on the same side: social democrats, the new lefts, the greens, DIeM, ALDE, US Democrats, we in the Balkans, trade unions, academic community, cultural workers, various social movements … and try not to defend the EU as it is, but to create a new progressive EU. Social-democrats at the EU level should create a list of maximum five priorities and  build local and EU coalitions of all progressive social forces around those. The populist right can only be stopped by the huge everyday activist work of progressive forces connected with a clear vision of building an alternative, more just society.


I do not intend to make myself looking smart, but to try to point out, in a constructive way, to the direction in which I expect things to move. As someone who lives under the authority of right-wing populists, I do not want people in all of Europe to experience what we live today. The victory of the Swedish Social Democrats as well as the future expected victory of the Democrats in America can be an inspiration to prepare good things for the next EU elections. As someone who has always been pro-EU, I am very interested in how S&D and other progressive forces see the new strengthened EU and what kind of joining plan it will propose. In order to complete all these tasks successfully, it is important that we in Serbia and the Balkans unite and immediately start working. Let’s look for common points that we all agree on. Let’s emphasize and build visible people who would carry out those processes. This is our only chance not to allow the right-wing to repeat what they have already “joyfully” done in the past century. The progressives, be smart and start uniting today.

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